3 Ocak 2025 Cuma




University (10.1991 - 06.1995):Gazi U.- Eng. and Arc. Faculty, Industrial Engineering Dep.
High School (09.1988 - 06.1991):Çelebi Mehmet Lisesi,

Foreign Languages:English - advanced, French - upper intermediate
Computer Skills:Ms office(Excel, word, power point, access, ms project, publisher) ERP tools, RPA Devoloper Analyist (UIPATH)


*Creativie reading and writing training with 250 children (50 hours)


Partner of Company

*Project writing for goverment grants

*To create new project for cooperatif(training academy, sales activity for componies products

*Sales operations management

EKİNSOL SOLUCAN GÜBRESİ (December 2018- July 2021)

Company Owner

*Establishing of company

*Production plant choosing

*Preparing layout plans

*Managing purchasing operations

*Managing production planning and production

*Managing quality operations

*Managing marketing and sales operations

*Sales of the company



Plant Implementation Operation  and Supply Chain Manager,

*To manage human source processes,

*To make the the interview with new candidate and start the recruitment process,

*ISO 9001;2015 implemantation following,

*To prepare yearly and orientation training planing,

*Preparing machine transportation planning,

*Preparing administrative purchasing planning for all office tool,

*Preparing material balance list,

*Creating supplier portfolyo,

*Agrement with supplier,

*ERP system implemantation,

*Warehose and inventory management,

*Production planning,

*SCM budget creating,

*SCM performans criteria following,


CELO SA TÜRKİYE (02.2009 – 30.11.2016)

Türkiye, Country Sales Manager (B2B Sales)

*Establishing of the company at Turkey
*Customer portfolyo is created for Turkey market (electronic, home appliance, automotive),

 *Customer relations organisation,
*Celo SA presentation to Turkey market,
*Financial agrements by the customers,

*Quality operation following at customer’s plants
*Project management (between customers and Celo SA headquarter, Celo SA Spain plant, Celo SA China plant),
*Serial production relation oganisation bewteen production plants and definitive customers,

*Working location choosing for Turkey side,

*Warehouse agrement and managing  by professional logistic company

*Sales and budget monthly, quarterly and yearly reports.

*Parts cost and sales prices caculation,


WAGON AUTOMOTIVE, BURSA (10.2003 - 11.2008)
System Development Specialist, (04.2007 - 11.2008) *Foreign customers project quality member,
*Foreign suppliers quality management,
*TS 16949:2002 Standart system analysis and adaptation to facility,

*İnternal and external audit management (planning and realisation),
*All customer spesific requariment quality rules adaptation to system (like Q1 and VDA6),
*All control and test equipments calibrastion system manangement,

Project Manager (10.2003 -04.2007)
*Coordinating core team for new projects(Toyota, PSA, JCI, Faurecia, Treves),
*New project implementation,
*Customer relation and organizations,
*Projects budget management,
*Preparing cost analysis for process equipments and part prices,
*Process feasibility, manufacturing and approval,
*Supplier coordination,
*Coordinating all supports working((APQP,PFMEA, Control Planning, MSA, SPC, training planning ),
*TS 16969 responsibilities for process and product design operation side,


TEKNİK MALZEME, BURSA (02.1999 - 10.2003)
Supply Chain Coordinator (05.2003 –10.2003)
*Supply chain system was established for 681N project from customer to suppliers,
*New warehouse and shipment area was established for 681N,
*Suppliers logistics performance was followed.
*Milk-run system was created between suppliers and TM,
*Following productivity for suppliers activity,
*Logistic protocols were created between suppliers and TM,

Project Chief (01.2002 – 05.2003)
*Coordinating core team for new projects (Toyota, Honda, Renault),
*Customer relation organizations for projects,
*Preparing project plannings,
*Projects budget management,
*Preparing cost analysis for toolings, fixtures and parts,
*Tooling manufacturing and approval management,
*Using MRP program to define data about new parts and process (Bill of material etc.), *Preparing synoptic and operation sheets,

Logistic Chief, (01.2001 – 01.2002)
*Prepared annual budgets for logistic,                                                                                *Organized all accountings during years,
*Managed 10 personnel at delivery system to customer,
*Managed customer relations,
*Followed customer orders,
*Followed MRP program tools,
*Followed Barcode program tools,
*Established good stock management system by just in time,
*Improved spare parts system,
*Prepared monthly activity reports,

Logistics Engineer, (02.1999 – 01.2001)
*MRP planning data updating,
*Production planning,
*Supplier orders planning,
*Kaizen working on processes,
*Barcode proramme analysis with IT department for just in time production between customer and company stock area,

TEKNİK 20 LTD ŞTİ, BURSA (04.1996- 02.1999)
Teknik20 Ltd.Şti., Production Planning Responsible (04.1996 - 02.1999)
*Followed customer orders,
*Followed production planning,
*Followed purchasing parts orders,
*Organized time method system,
*Prepared production control tables,
*Prepared cost analyzes for metal parts and agricultural medicating machines,
*Analyzed for scheduled maintenance programmer and taken usage,
*Supported MRP tools analysis,
*Followed monthly planning reports,
*Established new layout for agricultural machines production line,

NETA METAL LTD.ŞTİ, BURSA (08.1995 - 01.1996)
Neta Metal Ltd.Şti., Planning Engineer
*Production planning
*Followed time method system(MTM)



*Math training with secondry schools children  at ÇYDD(75 hours)  – 2022,2023 seazson

*Creative writing training for children(25 hours) (Nilüfer Kent Konseyi-2021)

*Effective readings training for children (175 hours)(Nilüfer Kent Konseyi-2019,2020,2021)

*Creative writing and fairy tales journey trainings for adults (50 hours) (Borusan-2020, Nilüfer Kent Konseyi-2021)

*Creative writing and efective writing communication training(25 hours) – (Bumkad – 2021, Engineer students from Gazi Ü. - 2021)


Certificate Skills;

»Marka Sürdürülebilirliği – 2023- Boğaziçi Ü

»Dijital Pazarlama –İAB, 2023

»UIPATH RPA Devoloper -2021

»Solucan Gübresi Üretimi Eğitimi – Ahi Evran Üniversitesi, Şüheyda Hepcan

» ISO 9001 iÇ Denetçi Eğitimi RW- TÜV
» ISO 9000 Kalite Güvence Sistemi RW-TÜV
» Kalite Maliyetleri IDEA
» Just in Time KOGEM
» Problem Çözme Teknikleri KOGEM
» Değer Analizi IDEA
» Ms Project Uygulamaları KOMET
» Ms Accsess Uygulamaları KOMET
» MS Excel Uygulamaları KOMET
» TS16949:2002 Standart Eğitimi Deniz&Emre Meriç
» TS16949:2002 Süreç Yaklaşımı BUREAU VERITAS
» Geoetrik Boyutlandırma ve Ölçüm İTÜ-İsmail GERDEMELİ
» Kalite Sempozyumu KALDER
» İnsan Kaynakları Paneli PERYÖN
» İstatiksel Proses Kontrol KALMER
» Geometrik Boyutlandırma ve Ölçüm TAI
» Yaratıcı Yazarlık Dersleri Yücel Balku Öykü ve Yazın Atölyesi Yaratıcı yazarlık dersleri 2004'te başladı, 2005 yılında devam etti.
» APQP, PPAP, FMEA, SPC, MSA Güncelleme Eğitimi BVQI - 15.03.2008
» Etkin ve Verimli Zaman Kullanma ORGEMER - 22.03.2008
» Kalibrasyon Teknikleri ve Ölçme Belirsizliği SIMKAL - 28.09.2007
» Proses Denetimi RENAULT - 09.11.2007
» TS 16969:2002 İç Denetçi BUREAU VERITAS - 18.07.2007

» Busines manangement and etrprise  training  KOSGEB


Club/Association Memberships :Makina Mühendisleri Odası, Nilüfer Kent Konseyi Okuma Grubu, Atatürk’ün Kızları Okuyor Grubu, Cevdet İrketi Çocuk Okuma Grubu, TEGV, ÇYDD, Yenidenbiz Kadın Derneği

Second profession area; Turkish literature (novel). I have a published novel. Name of it is “Ve Sustu Şehir”, Gezegenler Konuşuyor(childness novel), some stories at Turkish lecture magazine.

Hobbies; New countries, new cultures, reading, writing.


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